Zambia is known for its extraordinary game densities and for having the greatest game diversities, home to some of the last great herds of buffalo, and the only other place in Africa outside the Serengeti where the awe inspiring Wildebeest migration takes place. Other common game includes Lion, Cheetah, Leopard, Hyena, Elephant, Hippo, Giraffe, Zebra & Lechwe as far as the eye can see and one of the few places left where Wild Dog can still be found.
Zambia is Africa’s best kept secret with nineteen National Parks and an abundance of wildlife, birding and exciting fishing, not to mention the mighty Victoria Falls. The skills of the park guides are recognised as probably the best in the whole of Africa. The lodges are luxurious and the bush camps are intimate and comfortable. Visiting Zambia will undisputedly give you the true ‘Spirit of Africa’ with friendly people, more varied game viewing, bird watching and African adventure experiences than any other African country.
Zambia – Land Of Surprises
Zambia is full of surprises from golden beach resorts on vast inland lakes, great rivers for boating and fishing and an abundance of stunning waterfalls. It has vast National Parks ( many still without any infrastructure ) and game management areas ( GMA’s ) where conservation and sustainable utilization of wildlife is promoted by enthusiastic conservationist’s. Approximately one third of Zambia’s land area is reserved for wildlife management – more than any other African country. The best known destinations in Zambia include the Luangwa, the Kafue, the Lower Zambezi and of course the mighty Victoria Falls discovered by David Livingstone in 1855.
Tourism In Zambia
Tourism in Zambia has until very recently been largely ignored by the mainstream tour operators – this was mostly due to the poor development of the tourist industry under the ‘Kaunda’ era when all National Parks and Camps were nationalized and neglected. This was a double edged sword – the National parks infrastructure did not develop to facilitate mass tourism and this has benefited the Parks as there has been little interference with the wildlife and gave Zambian conservationist the opportunity to learn from mistakes of other more tourist developed African countries. As a result, no new permanent Lodges are built within any of the National Park boundaries. Only seasonal ‘bush’ camps can be built within the National Parks and all new Lodges & camps are only allowed to accommodate 16 beds.
Zambian tourism has grown in leaps and bounds not only since privatization of most old Lodges and the involvement of independent operators since the early 1990’s. Today nearly 35% of Zambia has been dedicated to National Parks and Game Management areas (GMA’s). There are nineteen National Parks providing the visitor with a diversity of wilderness habitats and ecosystems such as, dense Rainforests, Miambo Woodland, grass lands, swamps, lakes, beaches, rivers, flood plains, mountains, rolling green highland hills and some of the worlds most magnificent waterfalls including the mighty ‘Mosi-ao-Tunya’.
Rural Zambia
Rural Zambian life seems to have remained relatively unchanged for hundreds of years. It is immersed in the age old rhythm of Africa and is steeped in traditional culture. You will see small thatched villages on green hillsides, women pounding maize and cooking over open fires, while the men are out hunting or fishing from dug out canoes as children play or heard the cattle. Urban Zambia is in the process of continual change, rapid development in a climate of fascinating economic, political, social and forward looking environment.