Nestled under an ancient ebony grove on the banks of the Luangwa River overlooking the ‘Wafwa’ Oxbow Lagoon, Luangwa River Lodge offers open plan lounges, with dining under the endless canopy of African stars.
The Lodge’s gentle but exquisite décor fuses vibrant earth tones and raw materials such as palm stalks, indigenous timber, thatch and red earthen plaster, create a strikingly elegant yet warm and tactile atmosphere that rejects the rigidity of modern life making way for the natural flow of Africa’s endless wide open spaces.
Luangwa River Lodge specialises in both driving and walking photographic safaris (with an armed escort scout and guide) so to maximise your bush experience at your own pace with safety and pleasure being at the forefront of any activity conducted.
Luangwa River Lodge has earned the reputation as “Luangwa’s Premier Photographic Safari Retreat “.
For further details or booking enquiries please contact us.